Here's what God's been teaching Mildred Jessee...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Secret Love

Porverbs 27:5-6 "Open rebuke is better than secret love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful."

I have always wondered what the meaning of verse 5 is, and to this day I am not sure. This morning as I read, I had a picture in my head of how my dad handled discipline when I was a child. I knew when I had done something wrong, and that discipline was rightly deserved and displayed. However, much of the time, at least before I left for college, I doubted if I was loved. I was never sure because it was not often that he did things with us kids that was fun throughout. There was always an aspect of fear that we might do something wrong, and I didn't want to displease him.

As most chldren, I was not overly thrilled with being corrected or disciplined, but I do know that had I known at all times that my dad loved me, that discipline would have been viewed from a different perspective. As the Heavnely Father disciplines me now, though I may not like it at the time, I pray for it, and I love that I know God is for me, and whatever happens He will use to show His love for me and for those around me.

Today, my encouragement to all who are reading this is twofold. First, examine your relationships and make sure that those who you discipline or correct ("Faithful are the wounds of a friend?") know that you love them. Be genuine, and if you cannot offer that, realize that your instruction is probably not from the idea of their best interest. Second, be encouraged that what you are going through right now is out of the love of your Father in heaven, and if it hurts, He will heal the wounds, and make you complete.


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