Here's what God's been teaching Mildred Jessee...

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Superiority of Christ

Today I started reading the book of Hebrews. This is a book primarily about the person and work of Christ, our atonement. The first few chapters are focused in on the superiority of Christ and what He accomplished.

There are many images of this superiority, but the one that stuck out today is that He is superior because He was human. When God created mankind, we were the only creatures created in His image (Gen1:27 as an example). When we sinned, we rejected that image, and therefore separated ourselves from the God with whom we used to walk in daily fellowship. Now we were in need of someone to come and restore that relationship. That person is Jesus Christ. He was above the angels because He is Deity, but He became a little lower than the angels in order to experience life as we know it.

Jesus Christ was tempted just as we are every day. The only difference is that He never gave in to that temptation. He lived life completely sinless. If He had sinned, He would not be a perfect sacrifice for us. The law required that a lamb be offered up that had no blemish, not broken bones or illness, a perfect lamb to atone for our sin. Jesus is the Lamb of God! At the same time however, a regular lamb is unable to cast off our sin, as it is not tempted as we are. It is true that creation is subject to the curse put on everything by our sin, but humans are the only creatures who have that choice to live as something other than what we are created to be: the image of the living God! So, this offering up of a lamb on the day of atonement was not sufficient.

Jesus Christ came as a human being so He can sympathize with our need for redemption. He came and was without sin, and therefore offered Himself up as our perfect sacrifice. Only He is able to restore our relationship with the God who created us. Today I am challenged that the only way I can live without sin is to let Him live in me. That requires sacrifice, laying down myself, but at the same time it offers abundant life to all who surrender. My goal in daily living is to experience Christ and His life in me as I constantly let go of me. May God challenge you today as you seek Him.


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