Here's what God's been teaching Mildred Jessee...

Monday, August 01, 2005


This is to be the first of two posts today, as this one is more about my reading yesterday, and I had to put some thought into if I was actually going to post this or not.

So, here goes. Yesterday I awoke with an excitement and anticipation about the day. Though there were many things I could be excited about happening during the day, I was more excited for my reading time with God. You see, I am in the habit of reading one chapter from Proverbs each day, and yesterday was July 31st, the day I would read from the 31st chapter. I had not read this the previous month as it had only 30 days, and I was still working on building this routine and not yet ready to push myself to more than one chapter. I was still wanting to read Proverbs 31, however, and I was so excited to read in the morning. I even awoke with a deep desire to do nothing but worship the LORD!

Proverbs, chapter 31 and beginning with verse 10 deals with the kind of character and life a virtuous woman has. A wife of valour is one who is to be sought out and cherished, for she is honour to her husband, and provision and blessing to her children. As in a previous post, I will say here, I desire to be that woman. And again, I will assert that there is instruction here for men as to what to look for. Please don't misunderstand me. I am not saying that any man who is reading this should be seeking me out. I am only saying that I seek for God to make me into the woman for which a Godly man will search. My character is built on what I believe God would have me be, and I will rest knowing that He will plan out my steps. I enjoy reading passages of Scripture that challenge me and make me grow. This is one of my favourites.


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