Here's what God's been teaching Mildred Jessee...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Creativity as an expression of our God

Good afternoon. Right now I'm reading a book called Aprenticeship with Jesus by Gary W. Moon. I'm sorry I don't know how to link it here, but I know you can run a simple google search and find it. Anyway, it is a journey in learning to live like Jesus, and experience the truth of who God is. Each day you have a story to read, a reflection to consider about the character of God and about who we are as His children, and then an activity to make it real.

Today's activity is to create a list of things I do that foster creativity. God is a creative God, and as we are created in the image of God, we express His character in our creativity. So, here's a list of things I do creatively:

Writing stories, devitional materials (have you read the blog?), etc.
Singing (though not in the shower)
Paper crafts (scrapbooking, cards(!!!), notes)
Playing with words
Writing music (need some help with this one)

Then I am asked to narrow it down to what is most life-giving. I assume by this question that I am to look at what is most life-giving to me as the it is about things specific to me, but this seems a bit self-centered. Thinking this through though reminds me that in doing what brings life to my own soul I not only experience God's breathing into me, but I can experience breathing Him out to others as well.

As I look at the list above, I think that each one has life-giving qualities for me. I do know that through each of these I have experienced life, and at times I've gotten burnt out through each of them as well. I have a feeling that to choose one to spend the rest of my life doing would be to narrow the hand of God in all areas of my life. For right now I shall choose one that will be a focus, with which (as assigned in the book) I can spend God-time each week. I think that this season in my life would best foster the area of writing. As there are many ways in which this can be expressed, I think this will be a great experiment. I have a few stories I've started and never finished, and of course here's my blog.

I don't know if anyone reads this anymore, as I think I lost my original readers for lack of posting regularly, but I guess I'll write anyway. It's hard sometimes to write without encouragement to do so, but someone today asked if it was time to post on my blog again. I don't know if he read my post from yesterday or not, but this was certainly encouragement to write today.

I do have a prayer request for anyone who might read this and think to pray for me and for my family. I learned this morning that my uncle who lives in OR may not make it through the day. He's been living with ALS for quite some time, and things have gone downhill quickly as of late. Please pray for safe travels for my family from Indiana as they have all flown to Oregon, and for their comfort as well. I will be making a trip to IN in a week and a half, so I'll hopefully get to see some of them on their return. Please pray for me as well that I may be comfort to them, and that I may love them as Christ does.

Love to you all,


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