Here's what God's been teaching Mildred Jessee...

Monday, September 18, 2006

God is Faithful in the Face of Temptation

OK, so I hesitated for long enough on this post. I hope this will have a benefit for someone out there.

In 1 Corinthians 10:13 God tells us that we are never going to be tempted by something other than what everyone else is tempted by, but that He is also faithful to offer a way to stand against that temptation. This is not in quotes as it's a paraphrase, so if you want actual wording, please look it up. It's a good verse to know, and I have for several years.

OK, so about a month ago I found myself once again walking a fine line between giving in to a temptation that has plagued me for a while. As I journaled my prayers that evening, I couldn't even ask for God's strength to overcome this, but simply thought on it, and went forward in my own strength. We all know how bad of a failure that can be!

So, while I was in the midst of giving in to this temptation, in the very sin itself, God spoke to me heart. Talk about compassion! He actually came to the place of sin and spoke healing to the lies and wounds that I had lived in and showed me the way out.

Now, I cannot say that I have not sinned in this area since then, rather I need to ask for your prayers for God's strength and cleansing, both in how I think about this area of my life and in how I act.

That day I was unable to put to words my heart's cry for healing and deliverance, but God heard my heart's cry and answered. He has made a way out, and I need His strength to choose it. And, even though this area of sin is not fully overcome in practice in my life, I know that God loves me and is at work, and will complete what He's doing as a witness to others who need His grace. Today be thankful for the way out, and ask God to show you His strength to deliver you.

I may post another tonight, but unrelated. Look for another post this week at least...


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