Here's what God's been teaching Mildred Jessee...

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Goals in the works

So, my last post was about some health and fitness goals, as well as the whole of 2014 being this giant adventure that seems daunting from time to time, and at other times I can wrap my head around thing or another.

Well, it's Thursday, the day I will be starting my first college class in nearly ten years. In the past five days, I have mostly been tackling the decluttering (still in progress, but starting to make a huge difference) and the new healthy challenges.

Well, I'm pleased to say that I have successfully met and exceeded my weight loss goal for this week, and am on track for a week of completing 80% of my daily goals (water, vitamins, veggies). While I have read, heard, and been told many times that the weight comes off quicker in the beginning, I'm floored at how much I've lost this week. I will be keeping in mind what healthy weight loss looks like and making sure that I'm keeping healthy. That being taken into consideration, I am pleasantly surprised and encouraged!

As for the 80% of daily goals, drinking more water has been the biggest challenge. There was one day I did not remember vitamins, and that day I also only drank about 16oz of water. Then there was the day I ate no veggies. If I complete all of these successfully for the rest of the week, I will have completed 81% of my daily goals for the week.

As far as walking goes, Sunday I took a 20-25min. walk (can't remember, but it was at least 20min), and have had three 10min. walks this week with the dog I'm caring for. While the goal was three 15min walks, the total time has exceeded that, so I'm going to call it good. Next week I'll try for three or four 15min. walks, but I'm realizing that I need to actually put these on the schedule instead of telling myself I'll do them when I feel like it. It's Thursday, and I've not yet planned a second longer walk like I had intended to do.

I have walked over three miles this week already, and I still have at least another mile to walk just for work (into and out of the building where I work, walking the dog at least once more), so I'll be up to four miles with one week of tracking. That's 4% of my goal for the year!

Tracking calories has been easier than I thought it would be, due to finding an app for my Kindle fire that matches up to an online service I'd used in the past. So, I'm well on my way to keeping things going!!!

I have a few rewards options I need to work on. Since I'm getting rid of 'stuff' and working on eating healthier, I'm looking for rewards that are not related to food or acquiring more stuff. This weekend I'm getting my hair trimmed. I won't get it straightened again, though that was fun for an hour or so, I love my curls. This weekend's reward is for getting started this week, for sticking to my goals, and for changing some of my thinking.

In light of starting class tonight, I will need to prioritize my schedule and decide how much energy and time goes into what endeavors, however, if I can focus on these three things (declutter-to be done at the end of January, class-ongoing, and health-ongoing), I am pretty sure I can make it work. Even if I have to easy up on some of the intensity of something, I am giving myself no excuse to just give up. I'm doing some hard things, and I am determined!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're having a great week. I hope your first day back at school went well...I'm excited for you. And I know your parents would both be so proud of you...I certainly am.

4:09 PM


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