Here's what God's been teaching Mildred Jessee...

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

So, what happens when Mildred works nursery on a Tuesday morning? Three voicemails, two of which require responses. A few texts requiring responses. Lots of contact today!

Update: Did not get the job for which I applied last week, but not too sad. Praying about it this week, I realized it would probably not be the best fit, and God knows what he's doing.

I have a potential sewing student (in Denver?) who is willing to pay me well, a few contacts with whom I'm in discussion regarding childcare for their family, a lady who approached me this morning at VBS about childcare for her grandchildren, and two friends who have asked me about childcare, etc., for themselves or friends who are looking.

So, God is on the move, and I look forward to seeing which of these is/are the open door(s) that God has for me to walk through. Exciting day!!! And the excitement of this week continues to grow as God fills my schedule with blessed reunions, fellowship time, and networking. I'm just about to spent the afternoon with someone I've not seen in far too long. I am blessed!!!


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