Here's what God's been teaching Mildred Jessee...

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Summer, and Other Ramblings in My Stream of Consciousness Post

Yup, it's June. Temps predicted for the next couple days to be in the 80s (too warm for me!) and then upper 70s and some 80s over the next week or so. It's been nice to not have the A/C on this past week, but I'm getting the feeling I'll need it again soon. Here we go summer!

Meanwhile, today has been a nice day wherein I did some pet care, found a small plant stand for my mini roses at a garage sale for $2, and rested. Today was a break from the work rhythm. Tomorrow, though full time-wise, will also be a break from intended work. There may be a few things that get done, and of course paid pet care will continue through Monday, but these will be minimal. Monday will be butt-kicking day as I get a number of things in order. I interview for some more consistent work on Tuesday, and will hopefully be making a more steady income soon. This also means less time/energy for homemakery, so I'll do what I can before then.

Also, I'm beginning to wonder if it's possible for me to keep flowers alive. I have one plant that was given to me last summer that is still alive, but I've not been able to get it to flower again, and I'm not sure how much longer it will live. I instantaneously killed a beautiful flowering plant that was given to me a month ago, and purchased a couple small daffodils which lasted not long at all. Only two of my bulbs from last fall came up, and are still only a couple inches tall.

So, I have a mini rose and a geranium. I purchased the rose 'bush' because I wanted flowers (on the way home from a going away party and needing to console myself, better than chocolate? We'll see...), and thought that live ones that would (hopefully) last longer would be nicer than ones that would die right away. The geranium I saw was only $1.50, and I don't know if I anyone can kill a geranium. Let's hope that at least one, if not both of these flowering plants will outlive my deadening influence on flowers. (Note: The plant stand is for the roses because they are in a small pot and next to a tomato plant that is a couple feet tall already. I wanted to see the roses more easily.)

This brings me back to my desire to one day have a house and a garden, and space to plant what I'd like. I miss the house my roommate and I used to rent partially because of the roses in various places, and partly because the owner let me put in a garden. Someday my dream is to have a house where I can plant a garden, and have rose bushes. I will do what I can with containers for now, but I can only do so much. Oh, and this year the tomatoes are flowering like crazy. Maybe I'll have more than a handful of tomatoes this year? Maybe? I hope so!!!

Also, originally this was going to be a facebook post (and I will post the link anyway), but I realized I hadn't blogged in a few days, and it was getting long enough to work for a blog entry, so here we are.


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