Here's what God's been teaching Mildred Jessee...

Monday, August 29, 2005

Another Teaching Opportunity

When I think of the book of Acts, I usually think of things like the gift of the Holy Spirit, the conversion of Saul, the stoning of Stephen, and the Gospel being proclaimed among the gentiles. I often forget about the many teaching opportunities that are presented to the apostles.

The latter half of chapter 8 is just that. Philip is instructed to go toward Gaza and as he went he heard an Ethiopian reading from Isaiah. He drew closer when he got there he asked a simple question of the man, "Do you understand what you read?" The man answers with a question, and one that is wise. "How can I understand unless someone explains it to me?"

Philip from there takes the time to teach about Jesus from the very passage the man had been reading, and the man believes and is baptized. All this from one simple question, "Do you understand?"

How many times do we hear someone at work, or in leisure, talking about the things of God and not understanding what they have seen or heard? Are we ready to take those and ask the question? The man was ready to hear, he was seeking that someone would teach him, as are many in our culture. Let's not turn away because we think no one really wants to know. They do! People who have Christian friends are too often disappointed that we do not share with them. They want to hear, and we can share the truth in love as we are called to as His ambassadors in this world. Let's go and share as He gives opportunity.


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