Here's what God's been teaching Mildred Jessee...

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Dance of Joy

Last night I was at a reception for two friends' marriage, as they had a small gathering when they got married and now wanted to celebrate with everyone they know. The evening ended with a dance, and it was worship music that was played.

One thing you should know about me is that I usually don't dance socially. I dance to worship the Lord, which may include at a Christian concert, but I have not dance WITH anyone since I think middle school not that I think of it. I was asked last night before the dance began if I would dance, and probably to the surprise of the young man (who has had many shutdowns from me, and I might add, in whom I have no real interest) I agreed.

The dance was awkward, and he more so than I. Boy was I glad for that.

So I have been piecing through some things that have wounded me in the past. Last night was a small letting go for me. As I came home I still had many thoughts going through my head. The song we danced to was "I can only imagine" (and he was not at all comfortable dancing to worship music). This song speaks of dancing before our Lord in heaven some day, and it helped me greatly when my father passed away because I knew that's what he was doing.

OK, so to get to my actual point...In my dreams last night I dreamed that this young man and I had started our dance, and all of a sudden he was swinging me all over the place, and I was free to move and try anything. I felt refreshed and filled with a heart of praise for the freedom of Christ and our ability to worship Him in many ways, and I remember thinking in my dream "This is what it will be like to dance with my Saviour." This morning I have done nothing yet but sit down and type this, as I want a record of this memory and dream, as well as to share it with all of you who read this.

I stepped out of my box/shell and did something that was awkward, and that I had previously not allowed myself to experience since I received the Lord, and He used my experience to show me how to worship Him and release my heart from an area of bondage and brokenness. He wants to dance with me! I say yes, and today as I go to church, I don't know what worship will look like, nor will I push it, but I have a renewed desire to dance with my King!


Blogger Swinging Sammy said...

When we step out of our comfort zones, God often molds us and grows us more than we allow Him when we stick with what is "normal" for us. I am glad you had the experience, and what a wonderful follow up dream.

8:46 PM

Blogger Mildred said...

Swinging Sammy, just out of curiousity, but how did you learn of this blog? Just wondering.

9:37 PM

Blogger Swinging Sammy said...

in the upper right corner of the screen, there is a button that says, "next blog" I was clicking it, and found you one evening.

5:14 AM


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