Here's what God's been teaching Mildred Jessee...

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Teaching Opportunities

In the first few chapters of Acts, God moves in ways that those who witness them had never expected. Yesterday I wrote about the languages that we spoken by the disciples on Pentecost and how no one who heard them had ever expected to hear their own language spoken there. Today I read in chapter three I read of the lame man who was made to walk. He was not at the temple expecting to be healed and walk, even leap, for the first time in his life. He had never experienced this and probably didn't even know to expect that. All he was asking was for the passers by to drop some money in a can to feed him. Boy was he in for a surprise.

So God moves, and people who are merely witnessing the events are often astounded, amazed, and even confused. God has opened a door to teach about the gospel, His truth. Peter on both occasions launches into an oration about God's truth, in the person of Jesus Christ, His death, and the need for repentence.

How many of these opportunities do we pass by each day? I know the other night I had an opportunity. I don't know if I said all that was necessary, but I did speak of truth and honesty, and hopefully that planted a small seed to start this young man's learning of living in the truth.

Today, look for those opportunities to share with people. Those around you are constantly witnessing events happening around them and don't understand what is happening. Take the chance, live the adventure, share your Lord with someone today and see how God continues to move.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't visted for a while... my, my, you are quite the blogger. I don't think I can compete. I'm happy if I make one post a month :-) God's blessings and keep up the writing.

4:17 AM


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