Here's what God's been teaching Mildred Jessee...

Friday, August 12, 2005

All or Nothing

So today I read a few revealing passages. First, in Proverbs this chapter and the surrounding ones are about contrasts between righteousness and wickedness. It struck me today that this is an "All or nothing" matter. One cannot be only partially righteous, just as we cannot say that Jesus was a good teacher and reject His claim to be the Son of God, as this would make Him a liar and no good teacher at all. We must either be rigtheous, declared thus by the blood of Christ, or wicked, left unchanged in our own sins. In Revelation we are told that the lukewarm will be spewed out of God's mouth; we are to be hot or cold.

The second point is in Hebrews 11, the faith chapter. Now I remember memorizing 11:6 in my high school youth group, but until reading it in combination with this section of Proverbs today, I had never made the connection. Our faith is by what we are made righteous (Read Romans), and without faith, we are unable to please God. What is this faith? Well, it is not simply belief in a god. It is a sold-out state of life that consumes all of our being. If we have faith in Christ who died to set us free from sin, our lives should shine with the righteousness that has been imputed on us by the Father. This is the faith which pleases the Father, and this is the faith that will walk on water, call forth mountains, heal the broken and destitute, and carry us through in our dry times on this earth.

We have to be sold out; our lives should be all, totally given to God, or nothing, completely against His plan. He has a plan that is so much more rewarding than we could even imagine. Let's live today completely for His glory!


Blogger Swinging Sammy said...

great post! I have to disagree though with the thought that we should be against His plan. The verse you refer to in Revelation speaks to the fact that Jesus wants us to be hot or cold, not walk the middle of the road. But not forever. If we are not walking in His way, then He can offer us correction, and if we are, then we are to continue.

I don't think we are ever told to not repent of our transgressions.

6:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops... i said "imputed vs. infused" righteousness, when i meant "imputed vs. imparted" righteousness, although i think that infused and imparted are more similar than our division will let us think (sacraments and sanctification, respectively, but note that these are both ongoing efforts and making us righteous).

7:23 PM

Blogger Mildred said...

I didn't mean that we are not to repent. I am sorry to have made it seem that way. We are definitely always invited to repent and return to the LORD. Thanks for the comments.

7:58 PM


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