Here's what God's been teaching Mildred Jessee...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

What is the One Thing?

As I read Proverbs chapter 4 this morning I was reminded of discussions in philosophy that entailed philosophers trying to boil down all of existence to one factor that can explain all others, and therefore name it the One Thing. In verse seven of today's chapter we read "Wisdom is the principal thing." Then we are exhorted to get wisdom and understanding.

So my mind instantly begins to figure out what it means that wisdom is the principal thing. My first thought is that, in contrast to doubt which one philosopher said was the only thing we can know for certain, wisdom makes sense of all other things that have been created, thought, or done throughout all of history. Wisdom is also vital to daily life and decisions as it guides us and helps us make decisions that are wise. OK, so that was a little circular, but think about it. If we base all of existence and decisions on doubt, we will always be skeptical, and also not think highly of our own decisions, let alone the decisions of others.

Thinking with wisdom allows us to piece together what is good and beneficial, and therefore choose what will most glorify the LORD. Let's ponder what it means to have wisdom as our foundation today, and walk firmly upon it.


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