Here's what God's been teaching Mildred Jessee...

Friday, October 14, 2005

The Scandal!

I am a firm believer that a woman should not initiate relational interactions with a man when it comes to romance. I do not want to be the leader in my marriage, and I will not set the pace that way by pursuing a relationship first. I realize this may mean I will never marry if there is no man who will approach me first, and that's all fine and good to me.

When I read the story of Ruth I am reminded that she had to take a step toward Boaz in order to call him to his place as redeemer. I have been asking God exactly what to do with this, as I know there may be some "advances" I will have to make.

Ruth did not ask that Boaz marry her in the sense that we would see a woman doing this today. Their culture was quite different than ours, thus we cannot force the story on our culture as a way to say that women should do the proposing. She was already in a place that it was either him or the other guy, who by the way, is not here given a name. One of them had to redeem her and the land on which she and Naomi lived. Ruth simply used her God-given beauty to call Boaz to his role as her redeemer and therefore husband.

As a woman, I have been learning lately that God has made me as beauty. I am beautiful, and that is what God will use to call my husband to be strength. I am learning more and more what it means to rejoice in the differences He has made us to exhibit, and rejoice I do. I have seen strength that allows me to be beautiful, and I have seen strength encouraged by beauty. This is what I live to be.

Ruth's act was scandalous to some modern readers, but it was the beauty of God reflected in a story of redemption.

One last side note, Ruth was known as a woman of character. She was known for the compassion and loyalty she showed to Naomi in the absence of their husbands, and she was known to be faithful. This was not just to those who knew her well, but to the whole town. My aim is to build that kind of character in my life that all who know me will see God's faithfulness in how I live my life. This will be what draws my husband, and God will make me into the beauty that He desires to have serve Him in all things.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! Strength and beauty! That's exactly how God made us.

11:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, so anonymous is reading backwards. Good. Don't lay on that seminary guys feet. I agree. Let him sweat it out.

8:14 PM

Blogger Mildred said...

See response to comment from next post as this last comment on this one was from the same person as annonymous in the next post. Gotta love that guy!

8:48 PM


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