Here's what God's been teaching Mildred Jessee...

Monday, December 19, 2005

No Room in the Inn

As we read the story of the Saviour's birth, we find a little phrase "no room in the inn," but I wonder how many of us know just how daunting this was.

Do you know the structure of inns in those days? The modern hotel, at least in the for most of us as Americans know it, did not come about until relatively recently. Many who traveled in the past would visit with family, or those who had money would rent a room at the local castle. Inns, when used, were often like what we think of as a hostel. A visitor would share a room, and at times even a bed, with a total stranger.

With just that little bit of perspective, you can see why the inn must have been very full to have turned out a pregnant woman. Mary and Joseph were not just without an empty room to share, there was not any space for them in the beds. Now I may just be making this more than I need to, as maybe I'm the only one who did not realize until recently that this was how inns worked, but I think this is important. Have you ever gone to a family gatehring that required an overnight stay at some distant relative's house who did not have enough space for all her guests and people ended up sleeping on the landing between flights of stairs? (Ahh, reminiscense to college sleep overs...Mrs. Hittle?) There must have been people everywhere!

Have you ever been on a long trip by the end of which you were very tired? I'm sure each person there, for they had to have traveled long to be staying in the inn, was tired and quite reluctant to give up his place in the bed for any more visitors.

And Mary and Joseph? They were tired! Mary was carrying a baby with her, and not in the most comfortable way. Could you imagine! Now they were forced to stay in the hay in a stable, probably built into a cave. The baby's birth, and I know many of us realize just how messy that must have been, took place among the cattle, in the hay! Boy, was this an inconvenience!

This Christmas, as you think about why you're celebrating, think of just how many obstacles there were for Jesus to enter this world, just how many inconveniences He encountered in His life, and the painful death He suffered for you and I. What a life to be celebrated! Adore Him this year, and all your life. He is worthy!


Blogger Swinging Sammy said...

Makes me even more thankful when I meditate on facts such as these!

8:25 AM


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