Wear It Like It's New!
I had a compliment today on my outfit, and it made me really think about how we live our lives and how our lives influence others. One of my coworkers today asked if my outfit was new. I have had this skirt for several months, and it has become one of my favorite. The sweater I don't wear hardly often enough, but it's a couple of years old. I told her they were old, and her reply was "Well, you wear it like it's new."
I thought about this for a few minutes...What if I looked at each day feeling like I was wearing my outfit for the first time? How do you feel when you wear a new outfit? Do you smile? Are you excited to show it off, even before anyone notices? These are just some of the ways I feel when I wear something new. I feel refreshed about life.
So, as I look at what I will wear for the day, I'd like to look at it as something new. I also want to look at other things this way as well. Think about if everytime I read the Bible it was a new experience for me. I know that I've read most passages many times, and going though Bible college, I know most of the backgrounds included. If I read each passage looking for some new tidbit of insight, I'd enjoy my reading more.
The roads I drive to work (though I sub and this is always changing), I could look for new scenery. I could see a different house, or notice the different cars I drive with.
So, as you look at your day, whatever it may hold, think of it as new. God's mercies are new every morning, and each day is new. We've never seen this sunrise/sunset before, nor have we ever done exactly what we will do today. Wear it like it's new, and let that make the difference.