Setting the Limits
God is good, and He allows us to see Him at work even in painful growth seasons.
Earlier this week on my social media account, I posted a quote from a sermon I once heard: "What you say 'yes' to gives you power over what you long to say 'no' to."
At the time I was thinking of an area of my life where God had been challenging me to confidently act with the end in mind. Because of a recent circumstance, there is the potential for instant gratification, but in the long run, I know that this will not meet my end goal, nor will it truly satisfy my real and true desires in this area. Because this area of my life is so deeply important to me, I have to pursue what I know is going to honor God, what I know will truly satisfy more than I could ever ask or imagine. Because it is deeply personal, only those who know me well know the depth of this prayer and desire that I bring before God.
However, this morning I am applying this principal to a much different area, the details of which I will share. I have a goal of being debt free. How much and how long are unimportant here. But what is important is that I am following clear expectations and making tough choices to make this happen.
For example, I set a limit on spending for non-essentials. I know that to set a zero amount would only force my mind to a place of scarcity, which would end in disaster, and not honor God. Call it self-care, call it sharpening the saw, and each of these become more than non-essentials. I could make an excuse that I am taking care of myself and sharpening the saw by purchasing certain items when in reality, I am only excusing it. I have other ways of doing the same things, and God will be honored by my choosing to be a wise steward of what He's given me.
God wants me debt free, not because the debt in itself smudges His character, but because when we carry debt, we are carrying a weight that keeps us from living our lives fully. I cannot be fully joyful when what is hanging over my head keeps me tied to decisions that cut off that joy. That bondage, all bondage, must go! Therefore, I will enter into a time of prayer and Scripture reading before I make this decision. Should I even, at this time, select either of these items? Or does God have something even more in store for me, and I am to wait?
God is good, and growth is hard. I am thankful that I don't have to fake it. I am thankful that God is a loving Father!