No Partiality
Acts 10:34 "The Peter opened his mouth and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respector of persons:" (KJV)
This is one of those phrases I have seen in a number of places, but this is the one where it fits the context the best; it's almost one of those statements you look at and say "Well, of course. That's obvious!"
Peter, after having been called upon to heal a paralyzed man and a woman who had died already, was called upon to minister to Gentiles. Up until this point no one had been given this opportunity, and God made it evident in perfect timing in a vision. (Ananias was already told that Saul/Paul would take the Gospel to the Gentiles, but this had not come to fruition yet) Peter could have easily turned away his visitors had God not clearly stated that he was to go with them with no questions asked.
In the Jewish mindset at this time, you would not even enter into a non-Jew's house, let alone see it as your mission to minister to them. (Interesting to think that this was part of the widows' complaint in Acts 6) Peter was obedient to go to Caesarea as he was called upon by God through Cornelius. When he arrived and saw that many had gathered and they were waiting to hear the words God had given him to speak, his response was the verse above. Can you imagine? You're standing in front of a large group of people you never imagined God saving, including a leader who could possible put you in jail, and you know God has called you to speak to them. Would you not turn around and say to yourself "Wow! God really does want everyone to know!!!"?
OK, so this is all nice to think about happening two thousand years ago, but what about today? At that time the Gentiles were not people the Jews would associate with. Today there are people in each of our lives we are unwilling to associate with and minister to. They are hungry to hear, and ready to listen and respond. Are we willing to let God speak through us? Are we ready to put aside our partiality and minister to the needs, not just to those who are attractive to us? Let's go out today and seek the brokenhearted who are ready to receive. You might be surprised at who God calls into your life for ministry!